Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Time at the Beach

 Kyler loved the beach, especially the sand.  It was nice and warm (not hot) and felt really nice.  Here is Kyler clapping for joy at being outside at the beach.
 First touch of the ocean.  Boy was it cold!
 Where did Kyler's feet go?  They are covered with warm sand.
Kyler loved to play in the sand.  Lucky for Mommy and Daddy he didn't try to eat it too many times.  He mostly enjoyed grabbing it and putting it on the blanket.  We had a picnic dinner, played in the sand, waded for a second in the water, and explored the beach.  We had a wonderful time.


Here are the results of my first time canning without my mom.  I made jam-strawberry and blueberry.  I thought the finishing product was good (all my jars sealed!).