Saturday, October 23, 2010

Going home to sleep

Since Kyler was born late at night, we stayed that night in the hospital, and the following night as well. Tasha has been tired, but she is recovering remarkably well and quickly.  We want her to relax, but she was actually walking around quite well the day after the baby was born.
Happy Baby :.)
BTW You can't see it here, but Kyler has a dimple on one cheek

Ky looks kind of angry here, but he actually was completely calm and happy the whole time he was in the car seat.  Here he is half asleep.
Here is where Kyler "slept"  the first night after returning home.  I think he spent at least a little while there.


  1. Thanks for posting pictures! We love seeing him at least on your blog since we can't see him in person.

  2. He's so cute Tasha. I'm very excited for you. Congratulations.
